Market A.I is a real-time search engine that helps B2C companies find accurate sales leads so they can get in front of the right prospects, close more deals, and grow revenue at scale.

Market A.I ses multiple data points that run on artificial intelligence to crawl through the web in real time and find, verify, and validate people’s contact information. Every time you search with Market A.I , our sales software scours the public web in real-time to pull the freshest, most up-to-date contact data for your sales list-building efforts.

Market A.I is a sales intelligence software that helps salespeople find the best leads.

Here are a few use cases:

You Need Sales Leads:You have a great product or service but need sales leads. Market A.I will help you identify your ideal prospect, figure out your total addressable market, and pull accurate contact information for those specific prospects. You Have an Incomplete Sales List:You have a sales leads list, but it is missing information. Use our sales software to enrich your list and fill in missing contact information for your prospects. You Have Companies You Want to Contact:You know which companies you want to contact but don’t have the contact information of the decision-makers. Use our sales software to find up-to-date contact information and build a quality sales leads list. Then email or call the prospect, qualify them, and close the deal!

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